Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't miss Jubilee Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012

Hi folks,
We'll be creating a community art project during the 9:30 Education Hour Community Breakfast. We'll be creating the altar cloth that the k-5th grade class will be using every week during their education hour time. So, if you want to bring something prepared, I mentioned the idea of a prayer flag last Sunday. This could be any size and any color fabric really, up to about 12" x12" with any kind of design, words, a blessing, anything you would like to bless the children's space with. Later, I will sew them on to the large piece of fabric we'll be working on this Sunday. Otherwise, if you don't want to bring a prayer flag, you could simply bring a verse, a poem, or just a single word or a blessing for the kids and write it on the cloth with a Sharpie this Sunday. Also, you'll have the opportunity to do handprints and/or footprints if you're feeling adventurous!

Also, please remember that the breakfast is potluck! Try to bring your absolute most favorite thing. This will be a fun and delicious way to love each other by bringing what we absolutely love. I hope to see each of your lovely faces there at 9:30! (if you wanted to come at about 9:20 to put your dish out on the table, that would be fantastic as well)

Also! We do have a few things leftover from VBS, outdoor equipment and nature items that you so generously let us borrow for the week. I have all the nature items at home with me, so let me know if you are still looking for your items. There are a few things without names on them. Otherwise, all other equipment is up in the Adult Sunday School room ready for you to pick up at your earliest convenience. If you do not see your item, please let me know as soon as possible so we can send out a red alert to keep an eye out. (I do believe everything is safe and sound upstairs, however)

Thanks a bunch, and see you all on Sunday!

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