Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Join Us for Vote Smart Discussion This Sunday

During the Adult Ed hour this Sunday 9/30 at 9:30am, Marj Hawkes will give a short talk and show a 10 min. video about VoteSmart. The video will play best on the nice TV in the Adult Ed room just up the stairs, so that is where we will meet. We expect that a lively discussion will fill the rest of the hour.

US News and World Report says Vote Smart "Would make our Founders weep with joy." CNN, Fox News, MTV, the New York Times, NBC, Bill Moyers, the Ford and Carnegie foundations have all celebrated its birth. Some of the founding members are: George McGovern, Berry Goldwater, Geraldine Ferraro, and John McCain. Board members must join with a political opposite. The list goes on and on.

Vote Smart provides voters with information that is free and easy to access. They believe that it is the people's right to have the facts about Presidential, Congressional, Gubernatorial, and State Legislature candidates. Check candidate voting records, issue positions, campaign finances, interest group ratings, and public statements. This is a voter's self-defense system. 

Part of this is VoteEasy, which won the Webvisionary Awards of 2011. 
Gov. Track calls VoteEasy "The most compelling voter info resource ever seen." The New York Museum of Modern Art displays VoteEasy as THE election tool to make sense of complex facts. 

There will be FREE Voter Self-Defense Manuals, brochures, and bookmarks. Please join us to learn a little and have a great discussion with friends.

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