Thursday, August 7, 2014

8/10, 10am Outdoor Worship @ Lewis'

It is time for that great summer tradition here at Tolt. OUTDOOR WORSHIP! Again the Lewis’ have graciously offered their yard for this experience. Service begins at 10am Aug 10th. Immediately after worship there is a pot luck. Please bring food to share. Last two years we have been very desert heavy, and maybe that has been due to the warms temperatures. Anyway, bring a dish to pass, and maybe bring your own eating utensils, plate and cups. There will be refreshments to drink. The service will be centered around my visit to Assis in Italy with the Cathedral of St. Francis, and the Cathedral of St. Clare. We will have some time to look at some of St. Francis’ writings around tables. This service will also include communion. Some people will carpool from church at 9:30am. Please shout out if you are planning, wanting, or needing to carpool from the church so spaces can be found for all riders.

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