Friday, April 4, 2014

4/6 9:30am Class: Close-Up or Big Picture?

Sunday April 6, 9:30am Ed. Hour, we will look at close-up pictures and see if we can guess what the bigger picture might be. Is something beautiful because it has amazing properties or reminds us of a certain value or tradition? Does everyone find the same things beautiful?
And then: mark your calendars! Walk Through Holy Week is April 13th from 9:30AM-10:30AM and all are welcome to join in this favorite Tolt tradition. Walk from room to room, from trial to tomb, immersed in the beautiful fabric of the Easter story.
On April 20th, Easter Sunday, Sunday School is having a big Easter Egg Hunt and Easter crafts! Put on your egg-hunt goggles and search for yummy treats. Bring friends and family!
In April 27th's Sunday School we ask the question: where did Jesus see beauty when He looked at a crowd? Thinking back on everything we've learned about beauty, we will learn to see beauty through Jesus' eyes, by His example.
Make April your Sunday School-filled month! Every Sunday from 9:30AM-10:30AM, kids ages K-12 can come rejoice, learn, craft, play, and adventure through faith and fun!
April 6th Calendar Reminders:
8:30AM Worship Service
9:30AM Children's Hour: Beauty Close Up, Adult Education: Experiencing Beauty
10:30AM Worship Service
12:00 noon Youth Group
Thank you for joining us at 9:30AM this upcoming Sunday, April 6th! Save the dates, and see you soon!

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