Thursday, February 13, 2014

2/16: Youth serve Hot Chocolate after both services

Youth Group serving Hot Chocolate and snacks during Coffee Hour this Sunday, February 16th! Donations help youth fund WRYE and Camp.
Brownies, Cookies, Cake, Strawberries, Candy, with both the Youth and the Welcoming committee providing food, in addition to the Hot Chocolate and the usual Coffee / Tea.
Let's have a youth group person make an announcement about the hot chocolate at the end of the 8:30 service, and at the end of the 10:30 service.
If the youth could be there between 8:45 and 9:00 to help set up for the Coffee Hour after the 1st service, that would be great. Then it would already be set up for after the 2nd service. Youth can also clean up after each time - mostly cups and perhaps plates for the cake.
Marc and Emily will plan on being at the church around 8:30 to start getting things ready so anyone that wants to help should feel free to arrive around that time as well. I know it's early.
There may be some time during this to talk about some of the things on last week's agenda. Marc and Emily will also talk with Tana and Stephen about the confirmation schedule to make sure we can coordinate schedules for the confirmation class and the youth group meetings.
Thanks a lot and we look forward to seeing you Sunday!!

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