Friday, September 6, 2013

9/8 Jubilee Extravaganza, Ice Cream & Introductions

Sept. 8 Jubilee Education Hour Extravaganza with Ice Cream "Sundaes for Sunday School", engaging intergenerational crafts, welcome and introduction to the different classes we have planned this year, and the people planning them (never too late to volunteer to help out on a day or two), and some social time as we reconnect with the new schedule (& finish off our sundaes!).  Thanks to the Welcoming committee for providing the treats.  And a big Welcome to Tana Goar who will be coordinating between the age-grouped education programs and the worship schedule, as well as directing the kids' class.  Marc and Emily Gall continue to lead the Youth Group, and are building in even more of the events that were most engaging last year.  Shirley Doolittle-Egerdahl will coordinate the calendar of Adult Education offerings, mixing presentations of her own with topics facilitated by other interested volunteers, and with some guest speakers.  Please let one or all of us know how you'd like to get involved.  Or just show up and have fun!

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