Friday, February 1, 2013

Feb 3 Adult Ed: Local and Systemic Environmental Issues

9:30am Adult Ed for Sunday Feb 3, Shirley Doolittle-Egerdahl plans to present "Our Relationship with Creation: Local and Systemic Environmental Issues".

How can a Christian respond to the many overwhelming environmental issues that face us?  We are daunted by negativity, controversy, economics and a sense that anything we do won’t be enough.  A person just wants to shrug one’s shoulders and say "What can ya do?"  That’s pretty much what Jeremiah tried to tell  God (Jeremiah 1:4-10).  But like my yoga teachers like to tell me – especially now as I’m hobbling around with a broken leg – "What CAN you do?"

What issues are you particularly concerned about?  Please come discuss!

Childcare available in the nursery.

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