Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jubilee Sunday is September 9th!

Join us as we kick off our Fall Schedule and
Sunday School Kick-Off!
·      Sign up your kids and your awesome volunteering selves for Sunday School!
Saints of Tolt, please consider being part of the CADRE of fabulous volunteers that we’ll need in anticipation of the growth in our family ministries this year!  We all need to pull together to make this happen.  We’ll need nursery workers, as well as several helpers in the elementary classroom.  We need YOU to help us to be a warm, welcoming community as new families join us each week.  It’s FUN!  EASY!  And the right thing to do.

We need teams of folks willing to step up for a 3 to 4 week commitment at a time. Many hands will make light work, and the lessons are easy to prepare and the kids are awesome to work with.

Please find Emme to raise your hand joyfully and serve.  Don’t make her whip out the clipboard on you! Not in church to see Emme personally?  Call her via the church office at 425-333-4254. 

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