Thursday, June 2, 2011

Free Electronics Recycling Event Saturday June 5


Free Electronics Recycling Event.  Coming to Broadview Community UCC on June 5th, from 10:00am – 3:00pm.  Bring your recyclable items (working or not!) to this event.  All recycling services are FREE!  The raw materials salvaged from your donations are sold, and the proceeds fund the operations of 1 Green Planet (our recycling “guest”) and benefit all kinds of local charities, from food banks to Seattle Children’s Hospital.  They will accept:
Computers, laptops, printers, FAXes, modems, wires, computer batteries and other parts
Appliances such as washers, dryers, water heaters, and refrigerators
Landline phones and answering machines
Stereos, CD or DVD players, speakers, televisions, monitors, VHS cassette players
Bicycles, motorcycles, car-boat-motorcycle batteries
Barbecues (no propane in them, thank you)
Lawn mowers (please make sure they contain no oil or fuel)
Fitness equipment, medical equipment and more.  If you have something that needs recycling, but you don’t see it listed, please check out their or e-mail at or call 425-996-3513.

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